Follow Friday | @accidentallywesanderson

If you love pastels, architectural symmetry and Wes Anderson films as much as we do, then you are going to love this week's Instagram "Follow Friday" post.
Allow us the pleasure of introducing you to one of my favourite Instagram accounts, @accidentallywesanderson. The brains behind this account belong to Wally Koval of Brooklyn, NY. Koval, a self professed "Anderson fanboy", married his love for the director's trade-mark aesthetic with a passion for travel to create this unique account that oozes curiosity and whimsy. Aided by thousands of like-minded adventurers who contribute their photos to this creative collaboration, Koval shows us The Grand Budapest Hotel come to life. And what makes each post even more delightful, is that he goes a step beyond simply posting pretty pictures by also providing a glimpse of the history behind every location captured.
Follow along as Koval unveils more real buildings and places that look like they've been taken right from a Wes Anderson film and get ready to be enchanted 💫
